Types of diabetes

Diabetes type 1
               - Is when the pancreas does not produce insulin
               - Can occur at any age, but usually first develops in childhood or adolescence
               - Patients with this type need to take daily insulin for survival

Diabetes type 2
               - Is the most common type of diabetes
               - Occur when you do not produce enough insulin or the cells in your body
                 do not respond insulin properly
               - You need more insulin than you normally produce to keep the blood glucose
                 level down

 Gestational Diabetes
               - Is a type of diabetes that only pregnant women can get
               - Usually begins in the second half of pregnancy
               - Goes away after baby is born

               - Also called low blood sugar
               - Occurs when blood glucose drops below normal levels           

               - Is when your blood glucose is too high, much sugar in the blood
               - Is a major cause of complications with diabetes